Thursday, January 29, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame...

OK so it was just practice, but Camden was so excited. I finally signed Camden up for baseball and he had his first practice last night. I'm not quite sure why I've been avoiding sports because Barron and I were both heavily involved in sports growing up. We've always wanted our kids to play sports or to be involved in some type of extracurricular activities. Camden is only 6, but it seems that boys in particular, begin sports at a very young age and some of the parents get so intense about it. That's it! That's the part I've been avoiding, the intensity of it all. The pressure on the kids to play one sport year round and to do nothing else. I played so many sports and had so much fun doing so that I'd like the same for my kids. It doesn't seem like that's an option nowadays as the coaches and parents push the kids so hard to excel at a particular sport. Who knows, maybe I'll become that parent, I do hate to lose! :-) Let's all keep our fingers crossed that Camden enjoys this season because he has really been looking forward to it.
You might be wondering what the team name is. Well a woman calls me at work the other day to tell me when practice is and what team Camden will be playing on, The Lugnuts. I immediately bust out laughing and I quickly realize she's not joking. Oops! When I got home later that night I tell Camden is first practice is in a couple nights and that his team name is The Lugnuts to which he belts out "nooooo! I want a different name." The next day I get all his gear out and ready the following conversation takes place:
Me - Do you remember your team name?
Camden - The Peanuts?
Me - (laughing) No. The Lugnuts. (still laughing)
Camden - Ohhhh. The Lovenuts.
Me - (bent over laughing at this point) No honey. It's The Lug-g-g-nuts.
Camden - Oh. The Lugnuts. I still don't like the name.
Ready for his very first baseball practice.

Maya took her pink glove and Braeden wore the batting helmet (even in the car ride to practice!)

The coach trying to get all of the kids to yell out the team name....

Coach - Our team name is The Lugnuts!! On the count of three I want everyone to yell it. Ready? 1 - 2 - 3

Coach's son - THE CHESTNUTS!

Braeden wants to play so badly. Don't think we'll get to hold him off until he's 6!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Unfortunately, I have become one of those mom's we despised as kids...I've become Betty Walker (only not as loud!). It will creep up on you really fast - especially when Camden is involved with a bad call!

You'll love baseball! We have tryouts on Saturday and I am praying William is on a good team!

I guess I'm following in your footsteps...boy, girl, and boy!