Friday, September 18, 2009

The first day of school...

...wasn't nearly as bad for me this year! I knew Camden was comfortable and had a really great experience last year, so I am hoping Maya will have the same. I also know Camden is there to help Maya along the way if she needs it. Unfortunately for Camden, he gets a lot of "being the big brother" talks. I use the term unfortunate loosely because while he sighs and doesn't always understand why HE is the one getting the lecture, he likes being the oldest many more times than not. He likes to act like he's been there done that and tell the other two just how easy it is.

I took the day off again this year so that I was there when the kids got off the bus. Honestly, the bus ride is my biggest stress and fear for the kids. I'm not sure why really, but maybe it's because I never rode the bus. Well they made it home safely and seemed to have a great day!

We're ready!
A hug bye from brother Braeden...
"Enough with the pictures Mommy!"
A final hug before they part ways...
Maya sat right down and started coloring!
Cousin Riley also started Kindergarten and is right across the hall from Maya...
Part of Camden's "big brother" talks involved making sure Maya got off the bus with him and not wander off. My dad meets them at the bus stop most of the time, so this isn't really an issue, but I wanted Camden to know what he should do just in case. It's hard to tell in this picture, but Camden was the second kid off the bus and he bolted! He took off running immediately! I stopped him and he said "oh yeah. I forgot about Maya"
Maya was just about the last kid off the bus, but I was able to breathe again once I saw they made it home safely!
Maya crashed after a long day...

1 comment:

Carrie S. said...

No worries- I rode the bus until my sister got a car, and I am still alive. ;-)