Sunday, April 26, 2009

Movie Night

I decided Saturday night would be a good night for a kid movie night. While the kids ate dinner, I made a pallet on the living floor, laid out the couch pillows and gave each kid their own spot. Of course, I put Maya (the peacemaker) in the middle of the boys. I was so exhausted by the end of the day that I figured this would be a great way to get through the last couple of hours of the evening and allow me some time to get ready for the next day without too much commotion. Once I got everyone settled I decided I would try to shower very quickly. This is not always the smartest decision and those of you with young children know this, but sometimes you do what you have to do. I gave them a rundown of the rules, made sure all doors were locked and keys were out of them and ran to the shower. A quick eight minutes later, I opened the shower door to hear nothing! Usually, when I try this quick shower “technique” I’m interrupted by a child coming in to tattle, or one or all of them follow me in the bathroom simply because I’m in there. But not this night, they actually sat still and watched the movie! They were being so sweet that I skipped my remaining chores and watched the rest of the movie with them. While we had seen Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa at the movie theater it was a successful movie night in our house this weekend as well!

1 comment:

Cory said...

Hey Jennifer! I found your blog through Stacey Garnet's blog. I can't believe how big your kids are. They are so sweet! I especially love the prayers post. Kids are just so cute. I'm glad to see you're doing well and hope to keep in touch. Take care of yourself and your precious family!