Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mr. Toothless and Mr. Cool

Camden lost another tooth today... I am going to be poor if he keeps losing teeth like this! He asked me on the way to baseball practice what would happen if he lost all of his teeth at once and how would he eat. I told him that if he keeps losing them at this rate he won't be able to eat any solid food and he will have to drink all his meals! :)

5 teeth gone in less than a year!

Braeden is a creature of habit and lately the habits have been changing every few months or so. He decided a while back that he wanted his hair spiked up every night after his bath, with gel! Recently, he's decided the gel is too much work (I don't know why he thinks it's too much work because I do all the work!) and he wants his hair dried with a blow dryer after baths just like Maya. Tonight, I let him have a go at blow drying his hair while I helped Maya brush her teeth. When he was finished he yelled out "Mommy, my hair is AWESOME! Give me high five!"

Mr. Cool and his awesome spiky hair...

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